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Allisons Geburtstagslied

Started by Kamen, 2005-10-14, 17:48:14

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es hat kaum wer mitbekommen, was absicht war, aber songweaver, teneniel, shaevairc und ich haben einen song für allison geschrieben. da wir alle elfquest fans sind, mußte das sein (schade, daß du nicht dabei warst, kirstin)

The Tribe – Hype

Dedicated to Allison Durno

(melodie des refrains wurde von geBORGt geborgt *g* aus golden rule)

Fan:       Shae
Group: Kamen, Teneniel, Songweaver, Speren

Fan:            I’ve got a question

Group:        She’s got a question

Fan:             It’s really important to me

Group:       It’s really important to her

Fan:             All I want to know…

Group:       All you want to know…?

Fan:             What kind of Elf I’d be

(spoken) No matter which tribe, I only need the hype!

K: (spoken)       you really want to become an Elf? Ok…

Refrain:       Just cut off a finger, that’s what you must do
           Pointed ears are important with a little bit of glue – glue – superglue
     K: (spoken) and don’t forget the Belladonna for your eyes!

K: (spoken) Ok, which tribe do you want?

Fan: (spoken) I want to be a WOLFRIDER!

Song & K:       You want to jump from tree to tree
           And got no other possibility
           To smell like a wolf, and suddenly
           You realize, they are your FAMILY!

Group: (spoken) Oh, believe us… a Wolfrider, you REALLY don’t want to be… but!

Refrain:       Just cut off a finger, that’s what you must do
           Pointed ears are important with a little bit of glue – glue – superglue
     K: (spoken) and don’t forget the Belladonna for your eyes!

Fan: (spoken)      Ok… then… I want to become a SUNVILLAGER!

Song:             It’s hot and it’s dry
           And you never have rain
           You have sand in your shoes
           And your sunburn is PAIN!

Group: (spoken) Oh, believe us… a Sunvillager, you REALLY don’t want to be… but!

Refrain:       Just cut off a finger, that’s what you must do
           Pointed ears are important with a little bit of glue – glue – superglue
     K: (spoken) and don’t forget the Belladonna for your eyes!

Fan: Ok… hmm… then I want to be a GLIDER!

Song & K:       Your mind is controlled
           You are evil and proud
           You will never have children
           Your race will DIE OUT!

Group: (spoken) Oh, believe us… a Glider, you REALLY don’t want to be… but!

Refrain:       Just cut off a finger, that’s what you must do
           Pointed ears are important with a little bit of glue – glue – superglue
     K: (spoken) and don’t forget the Belladonna for your eyes!

Fan: Hmm… then… I want to be a GO BACK!

K:             You are always horny
           And eager to fight
           You’re freezing to death
           It’s F*U*C*K*I*N*G COLD outside!

Group: (spoken) Oh, believe us… a Go Back, you REALLY don’t want to be… but!

Refrain:       Just cut off a finger, that’s what you must do
           Pointed ears are important with a little bit of glue – glue – superglue
     K: (spoken) and don’t forget the Belladonna for your eyes!

Fan: Ok… no Wolfrider… no Sunvillager… no Glider… no Go Back… Then I want to be a HIGH ONE!

Song & K: (Melody: Joyful, joyful)
           Too dump to drive your spaceship
           Through time and space and through the sky
           You crash down to the earth
           And you are helpless and you ALWAYS CRY!

Group: (spoken) Oh, believe us… a High One, you REALLY don’t want to be… but!

Refrain:       Just cut off a finger, that’s what you must do
           Pointed ears are important with a little bit of glue – glue – superglue
     K: (spoken) and don’t forget the Belladonna for your eyes!

Fan: Oh… that’s not fair! But… hmm… AAH! I can be a PRESERVER!

-      silence –

K: (spoken)       Ok! I can help you! Just go to!

Group & Fan: “The Remembering” – Julia Ecklar
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